Control Network Establishment
A control network is the framework of survey stations which serve as the reference monuments, to which other survey work is related. It is a wonder to know how a control network gets started. How would the first position be measured, if positions are measured relative to other positions? Geodesists develop exceptionally precise positional data by analyzing radio waves emitted by distant stars. By its nature, control surveying services needs to be precise, complete and reliable by using equipment of proven precision and with methods that gives accurate numerical measures.
Once control network establishment is done, we at KONGUNADU SURVEYOR, detect positions using hi-tech instruments that measure angles and distances between locations on the earth's surface. Being the most efficient Control Surveying Services in Coimbatore, we understand the importance of project control network and its impact on the project. Therefore, we select and implement the right technology and adopt the highest professional standards in the construction and elevation of survey control monuments network. As part of our Control Survey Services, we advise our clients to plan their project coordinate system and control network monuments as early as possible during the project initiation phase to ensure successful completion of the project.
Our Control Surveyors in Coimbatore also have extensive experience in tying project control monument network to other local, municipal, national, and global geodetic control networks. This is important for interfacing the project with existing projects and documenting the project for update of municipal Land Information Systems, Geographic Information Systems, or for the generation of the project plans.
Project control points are fixed using Global Navigation Satellite Systems, static surveys, conventional traversing, and differential leveling. Horizontal control points are often located on high mountains or hilltops to reduce the need to construct observation towers. Vertical control points however, are executed by the technique of spirit leveling which is more adaptable for gradual slopes such as roads and railways.
KONGUNADU SURVEYORS at Coimbatore have extensive experience in the establishment of geodetic control point networks using both conventional and satellite-based positioning systems ranging from small project controls to regional and national geodetic networks.