Subdivision and Layout Design Survey

The entire locality consisting of a town or village or suburb needs a Subdivision Survey layout design for all types of land big enough to support a school, park, playing field, and recreational area. In the larger sense, Subdivision layout design services involve the distribution of space for relevant uses, the design of walks, streets, parking facilities, drainage, and utilities, the conservation of the natural resources, and its enrichment by landscaping.

At KONGUNADU SURVEYOR, we analyze the area based on population growth, family size, income levels, schools, taxes and assessments, transportation and traffic patterns, and direction of growth. For large areas Involving several types of housing, commercial or industrial uses, schools, and religious places, a more comprehensive analysis is carried out by our survey layout design services in Coimbatore.

How Subdivision survey services at KONGUNADU SURVEYOR are helpful

We help the communities to enjoy thriving neighborhoods that do not disintegrate. We promise the existing residents that they will not have adverse effects from development near their neighborhood.

We assure future residents that they will have a variety of housing options and an attractive environment to live in.

We vouch for the developers that they would have the flexibility to provide the housing they conceive as being marketable.

What Subdivision Survey Services at Coimbatore do

We submit a plan of subdivision, when registered in a land registration office, serves as a legal document by which lots of real estates are described, registered, and sold. However, more priority is given to the framework of the group of houses comprising of the landscape features, natural and man-made - streets, walkways, driveways, street lighting, and the physical environment, as details of all these would be of great help in deciding on a suitable development plan.

Our team of Subdivision surveying services in Coimbatore, along with city planners and engineers of numerous municipalities, develop the preliminary plats, construction documents, and final platting documents necessary to build value in all levels of property development.